And they're pretty cute, too! The only downside is that I have to pay for these ones :-) Before Matt and I get married, I'm taking each of my five brothers on a "date" with just the two of us. I've been having fun spoiling them and (hopefully) giving them some fun memories with their big sis. Three down, two to go!
First, Kaleb (6) and I went mini-golfing and grabbed some dessert afterward. It was his very first date and he was such a little gentleman! He opened every single one of my doors and even "paid" for our activities (handed over my debit card).

I took Matthew (12) to see the Harlem Globe Trotters when they came to Salt Lake a couple months ago. They were so much fun to watch! Matthew's an incredible athlete so he especially appreciated their dunking skills. After the game, Matthew even got to meet the star, Big Easy, who autographed his brand new Globe Trotters jersey.

Most recently, Christian (15) lucked out and got to go to Six Flags Magic Mountain with me. Matt had a track meet in LA on the 18th, so I took Christian out early to get some serious roller coaster riding in. We soon discovered that the only problem with taking your 6-foot-tall little brother on a "date" is that other people end up thinking you're actually dating (e.g. the photographer who told us to kiss for a picture?!). I really hope I don't look young enough to be dating a fifteen-year-old.

Most recently, Christian (15) lucked out and got to go to Six Flags Magic Mountain with me. Matt had a track meet in LA on the 18th, so I took Christian out early to get some serious roller coaster riding in. We soon discovered that the only problem with taking your 6-foot-tall little brother on a "date" is that other people end up thinking you're actually dating (e.g. the photographer who told us to kiss for a picture?!). I really hope I don't look young enough to be dating a fifteen-year-old.

Any ideas of what I could do with Josh (4) and Gabe (2)? Matt and I have already taken them to the zoo, but I was thinking of Jump on It or Kangaroo Zoo... or maybe the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point?
Definitely Dinosaurs! My little boy is five and in his opinion the only thing cooler than Dinosaurs is TRANSFORMERS!
What a great idea and they will never forget it!!
That sounds so fun! You are so incredibly cute. I still can't see any of these pictures! Do I have to be signed up with photo bucket to see them? Any ideas?
Rolled on the floor laughing about your 15 year old brother...definatly the laugh I needed :) As for the 2 year old, jump on it sounds great! For the four year old...dinosaurs! I agree with Tobi, such a boy thing :) What a COOL big sister!
oh heavens!!! That is so funny about you and Christian! I think dinosaurs all the way.
I don't have any ideas really but the things you have done so far are way cool and overall i think its an excellent idea to do that before you get married! Very cool! if I lived closer to my family I'd prob do that with my siblings still living at home. Fun stuff.
that's such a cute idea! your brothers will have such great memories with you. i think whatever you do with the younger ones they will think it's the coolest thing ever. you can't go wrong!
So cute!
Ash what a cute idea! Your brothers are so big holy cow!!! Anyway, I got your invite and I will be to youre shower.
haha, awh I remember you telling me that that night, I wish we played all day rather than just seeing each other when we parted. But we both just did not want to have to wait and miss out on another coaster! Ha! Which I think is a good reason:)All good ideas, just being with you will be fab for the little guys!
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