Monday, April 6, 2009

General Conference

Wasn't General Conference incredible? Thanks to the snowstorm that canceled Matt's track meet, we got to enjoy the sessions live at Steve & Jodie's instead of having to TiVo them. We loved the timing of it this year, just one week before Easter. While we usually think about Christ's birth for the entire month leading up to Christmas, we don't tend to spend much time preparing for Easter and the celebration of His resurrection. This Conference, we learned so much about our Savior and the Atonement (especially from Elder Holland), and it really puts things into the proper perspective. We're so grateful for leaders of the church and for the the opportunity that General Conference gives us to hear from them.


Sharla said...

Loved Conference!! I always feel a bit sad as the last session closes and i realize that i will be waiting for 6 months to have this opportunity again. We are so blessed, and we were so well fed by the spiritual talks given.

Ryan and Donna said...

You are fortunate to have been able to attend a session. Conference really was great. The older I get the more I enjoy them. Holland's talk really was amazing. It answered a Gospel question I've always had about the atonement.